Franz Holzknecht, PhD

Category Persons

Advanced Researcher

Franz Holzknecht
+41 44 317 11 34
Phone (other)
franz.holzknecht [at]
Consultation Info
by appointment

Tätigkeit an der HfH

Working on the SMILE II and IICT projects (see here for information on the IICT project in English) and other topics related to language assessment.


My interests are mainly in testing and assessment, particularly in test development, statistical analysis, listening assessment, writing assessment, sign language assessment, the application of the Common European Framework for language test development, and the use of new technologies for assessment research.


  • Ph.D. in Language Testing at Lancaster University
  • M.A. in Language Testing at Lancaster University
  • Mag. (double M.A. degree) in teaching English and Sports Science at the University of Innsbruck

Forschung zu

Test development

Response processes of language test takers

Assessing L2 listening and L2 writing

Automatic recognition and assessment of Swiss German Sign Language

Show all projects

Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed)

Bücher und Buchbeiträge

  • Holzknecht, F., & Haug, T.
    Sign language assessment: Common misconceptions and the need for language assessment literacy development.
    In B. Baker, & L. Taylor (Hrsg.),
    Language Assessment Literacy and Competence Volume 1: Research and Reflections from the Field
    (S. 195–203).
    Cambridge University Press.
  • Kremmel, B., Eberharter, K., & Holzknecht, F.
    Pre-operational testing.
    In G. Fulcher, & L. Harding (Hrsg.),
    The Routledge handbook of language testing
    (2nd edition, S. 415–429).
  • Spöttl, C., Eberharter, K., Holzknecht, F., Kremmel, B., & Zehentner, M.
    Delivering reform in a high stakes context: from content-based assessment to communicative and competence-based assessment.
    In G. Sigott (Hrsg.),
    Language testing in Austria: taking stock
    (S. 219–240).
    Peter Lang.
  • Eberharter, K., Holzknecht, F., & Kremmel, B.
    Evaluating the effectiveness of a training program for double-raters.
    In G. Sigott (Hrsg.),
    Language testing in Austria: taking stock
    (S. 607–628).
    Peter Lang.
  • Kremmel, B., Eberharter, K., Holzknecht, F., & Konrad, E.
    Fostering language assessment literacy through teacher involvement in high-stakes test development.
    In D. Xerri, & P. Vella Briffa (Hrsg.),
    Teacher involvement in high stakes language testing
    (S. 173–194).
  • Holzknecht, F., Kremmel, B., Konzett, C., Eberharter, K., Konrad, E., & Spöttl, C.
    Potentials and challenges of teacher involvement in rating scale design for high-stakes exams.
    In D. Xerri, & P. Vella Briffa (Hrsg.),
    Teacher involvement in high stakes language testing
    (S. 47–66).

Weitere Publikationen


  • Cory, O., Mercanoglu Sincan, Ö., Vowels, M., Battisti, A., Holzknecht, F., Tissi, K., Sidler-Miserez, S., Haug, T., Ebling, S., & Bowden, R.
    Modelling the Distribution of Human Motion for Sign Language Assessment.
    In ECCV 2024 (Hrsg.),
    Twelfth International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics at ECCV 2024,
  • Holzknecht, F., Haug, T., Battisti, A., Tissi, K., Sidler-Miserez, S., & Ebling, S.
    Reforming sign language assessment: Setting up a longitudinal learner corpus of rated elicited imitation performances to develop an AI-driven sign language assessment system
    Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC) 2024,
  • Haug, T., Holzknecht, F., & Perrollaz, R.
    Assessing receptive skills development in deaf children who use Swiss German Sign Language as their primary language.
    In Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) (Hrsg.),
    Conference proceedings of the ALTE 8th International Conference "Fit for the digital age",
  • Holzknecht, F., Tornay, S., Battisti, A., Batty, A. O., Tissi, K., & Haug, T.
    Validation of an automated vocabulary assessment and feedback system for sign languages
    44th Language Testing and Research Colloquium: Language Assessment for a Global, Digital, and More Equitable Era,
    New York City, USA.
  • Tornay, S., Nanchen, A., Battisti, A., Holzknecht, F., Tarigopula, N., Mendez Maldonado, O., Camgöz, N. C., Razavi, M., Tissi, K., Sidler-Miserez, S., Boyes Bream, P., Ebling, S., Haug, T., Bowden, R., & Magimai-Doss, M.
    Web SMILE demo: a web application providing automated feedback on sign language vocabulary production
    44th Language Testing and Research Colloquium: Language Assessment for a Global, Digital, and More Equitable Era,
    New York City, USA.
  • Haug, T., Holzknecht, F., & Perrollaz, R.
    Assessing receptive skills development in deaf children who use Swiss German Sign Language as their primary language
    ALTE 8th International Conference: Language Assessment Fit for the Future,
    Madrid, Spanien.
  • Haug, T., Batty, A. O., Holzknecht, F., & Kremmel, B.
    Aligning lexical concepts across languages and language-modalities to the CEFR
    Language Testing Research Colloquium,

Andere Referate/Vorträge (im Berufsfeld, Vorlesung an Hochschule etc.)

  • Haug, T., Tissi, K., Holzknecht, F., de Jong, N., & Battisti, A.
    Development of a fluency rating scale for Swiss German Sign Language.
    European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA) SIG for SIGN Webinar,
  • Holzknecht, F.
    Double play in Matura listening tasks: How valid is it?
    Vortrag im Ministerium für Bildung und Forschung,
    Wien, Österreich.
  • Holzknecht, F.
    Mock viva: Double play in listening assessment.
    Language Testing Research Group Meeting,
    Universität Lancaster, England.
  • Kremmel, B., Eberharter, K., Holzknecht, F., Konrad, E., Schwarz, V., & Zehentner, M.
    From 0 to 10 years and beyond: Accountability, consequences, and potential future validation agendas for the SRDP.
    Symposium "Reforming the Austrian Matura - 10 years on",
    Universität Innsbruck, Österreich.
  • Holzknecht, F.
    Listening once or twice: A pilot study.
    Language Testing Research Group Meeting,
    Universität Lancaster, England.
  • Holzknecht, F.
    The cognitive validity of repeating the input in listening assessment.
    Language Testing Research Group Meeting,
    Universität Lancaster, England.
