Inclusive Education and Special Needs Educational Governance in Europe

Category Project

Ausgangslage und Ziele

European political debate and studies from international organizations have identified inclusive education as one of the tools to improve quality and equity in education and to ensure more inclusive societies. There is a general understanding that inclusive education systems cost less to implement and maintain than special education models. But the empirical evidence concerning the advantages and disadvantages of inclusive education is still inconsistent. Understanding these issues is important when developing educational systems and their governance.

The capacity to implement inclusive education depends on the ability of governance mechanisms to permit effective collaboration among stakeholders and to foster strategic behaviours, as well as monitoring and accountability issues.

Collaborative, interdisciplinary and comparative European research is needed on inclusive education, special needs educational governance and economics. An international scientific exchange will be conducted with two perspectives:

  1. to share experiences and compare what is effective education and special needs education
  2. to discuss and compare special educational systems in different European countries

Project Management

Monika Wicki Title Prof. Dr. phil.


Professorin für Special Needs Educational Governance

Minna Törmänen Title Prof. Dr.


Senior Researcher


  • Duration
  • Project number

Methodical approach

The first two days involved public lectures and roundtable presentations of the participants’ research to date, followed by discussions about perceived gaps in knowledge and the methodological, practical and ethical issues. The third day focused on the identification of research priorities using Nominal Group Technique (NGT) methodology.


The proceedings and ways to effective inclusive education and further inclusive society are core issues and were critically discussed. As a result, international collaboration and networking within key experts in the field of special needs educational governance and inclusive education has been strengthened. Foundations have been led to develop a European research project on international comparative analysis on inclusive education, governance and finances, which delivers foundations on effective and efficient special needs educational governance and inclusive education.



  • Wicki, M.
    Inclusive Education and Special Needs Educational Governance
    Earli-SIG 15 2020,
    London, GB (Online).
  • Wicki, M., & Törmänen, M.
    Inclusive Education and Special Needs Educational Governance
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Törmänen, M.
    Wissenstransfer zwischen Bildungsstatistik, Bildungsforschung und Bildungspolitik in Finnland? Interaktiven Roundtable: Heilpädagogik im Spannungsfeld bildungspolitischer Akteure - Wissenstransfer zwischen Bildungsstatistik, Bildungsforschung und Bildungspolitik
    2020 Congress of the Swiss Society for Educational Research, Knowledge at the intersection of research, practices and learning, University of Teacher Education BEJUNE,
    Biel/Bienne, Switzerland.
  • Törmänen, M., & Wicki, M.
    European perspectives on Inclusive Education and Special Needs Educational Governance
    12. Schweizer Kongress für Heilpädagogik: : INKLUSIVE BILDUNG – Was funktioniert noch nicht?,
    Fribourg, Schweiz.