Justisigns - VET in Interpreting and Justice

Category Project

Ausgangslage und Ziele

The Directive 2010/64/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 establishes common minimum rules for European Union (EU) countries on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings as well as in proceedings for the execution of the European arrest warrant.

Project Management

Tobias Haug Title Prof. Dr.


Professor für Gebärdensprache und Partizipation bei Hörbehinderung / Leiter Bachelor Gebärdensprachdolmetschen


  • Duration
  • Project number

Project Team


This project represents a ground-breaking initiative focussing on identifying competencies for interpreting in legal settings and providing training for both qualified and qualifying signed language interpreters in this domain, For the proposes of JUSTISIGNS, legal settings is referred to in a generic context referring to the court room scenarios, working with solicitors, barristers and lawyers and dealing with the national police services, immigration, customs and border security.

Methodical approach

The course will be developed for VET and CPD, the materials will developed in conjunction with measurable learning outcomes and assessment techniques which would be transferable to both the ECTS framework as well as ECVET mapping for other European countries. The target groups are as follows:

Primary Target Groups

  • Qualified and qualifying signed language interpreters working in legal settings;
  • Deaf people

Secondary Target Group

  • Legal professionals.

The course will be available through each partner network. The Centre for Deaf Studies at Trinity College Dublin will make the course available through CPD training workshops as well as through its Bachelor in Deaf Studies to those already studying to qualify as an Irish/English sign language interpreter. At Lessius University College and University of Applied Sciences of Special Needs Education the course and the materials will be available through both existing translation and interpreting courses and as part of their current VET channels.


  • Napier, J., Skinner, R., Turner, G., Leeson, L., Lynch, T., Sheikh, H., Vermeerbergen, M., Salaets, H., Doggen, C., Haug, T., Bucher, B., Rossier, B., Berger, M., & Krähenbühl, F.
    Justisigns: Developing research-based training resources on sign language interpreting in police settings in Europe.
    In J. L. Brunson (Hrsg.),
    Legal interpreting: Teaching, research, and practice
    (S. 154–190).
    Gallaudet University Press.
  • Napier, J., Skinner, R., Turner, G., Leeson, L., Lynch, T., Sheikh, H., Doggen, C., Haug, T., Bucher, B., Rossier, B., Berger, M., & Krähenbühl, F.
    Justisigns: Developing research-based training resources on sign language interpreting in police settings in Europe.
    In J. Brunson (Hrsg.),
    Legal interpreting: Teaching, research, and practice
    (S. 154–190).
    Gallaudet University Press.