RedeflussKompass 3.0 and Stotterkompass 1.0 in complementary use

Category Project

Ausgangslage und Ziele

The RedeflussKompass (RfK) [speech fluency compass] belongs to the family of compasses that were constructed as screening tools for language disorders, speech disorders and speech fluency disorders (Braun & Steiner, 2012a, 2012b; Braun, 2012). Using a complex mixed-methods research approach, the quality and practicality of a second version of the RfK, RfK 2.0, was examined (Kohler, 2014, 2015a, 2015b; Kohler & Braun, 2015). As a result of the research, a user-oriented set of tools was proposed that consists of a further development of the RfK, RfK 3.0, for laypersons (such as parents, teachers) and a newly designed tool, StotterKompass 1.0 [stuttering compass], which has been adapted to the basic knowledge of speech-language therapists who are not stuttering specialists. The aim now is to examine these two complementary tools empirically.

Project Management

Jürgen Kohler Title Prof. Dr.


Senior Lecturer

Wolfgang G. Braun Title Prof.


Senior Lecturer, Leiter Förderzentrum


  • Duration
  • Project number

Project Team

  • Reto Schürch


The overarching question in evaluating the use of Redeflusskompass 3.0 and Stotterkompass 1.0 concerns the quality of the decisions that are made and the ways of proceeding chosen based on the two instruments. In addition, an online support for speech-language therapists will be developed, with film and audio material to aid identification of early stuttering. This project will find out the extent to which the online medium actually improves identification and assessment of early childhood stuttering.

Methodical approach

Based on good experience with mixed methods research in the preceding projects (see above and the subsite, Sprachtherapie), the methodological approach is a mix of quantitative and qualitative strategies. The most important quality criteria for a screening test, sensitivity and specificity, will be determined. Inter-rater reliability and criterion-related validity will also be determined. Possible stumbling blocks in using the screening tools will be described using qualitative methods such as interviews and video analyses. The usefulness of the online medium will be tested using an experimental design.


The intended result will be an empirically well-supported screening method with demonstrated high usefulness for early identification of beginning stuttering. Professionals who in some way come into contact with the phenomenon of early stuttering are cordially invited to cooperate on this research project. Please e-mail juergen.kohler [at] (Jürgen Kohler).


Braun, W. G., & Steiner, J. (2012a). Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung in der Sprachentwicklung: Eine Einführung mit Materialien (1st ed.). Munich, Germany: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag.

Braun, W. G., & Steiner, J. (2012b). Kooperativ früh Stärken nutzen und Risiken begegnen. Forum Logopädie, 5(26), 24–29.

Braun, W. G. (2012). Früherkennung von Sprachauffälligkeiten darf kein Zufall sein. Kita aktuell spezial, 2/2012, 11–13.

Kohler, J. (2014). Normale Sprechunflüssigkeiten oder beginnendes Stottern? Empirische Überprüfung des Redeflusskompasses. In Stottern & Selbst-Hilfe Baden-Württenberg e.V. (Ed.), Tagungsband des 41. Kongress Stottern und Selbsthilfe (pp. 53–58). Cologne, Germany: Stottern & Selbsthilfe.

Kohler, J., & Braun, W. G. (2015). Die Früherkennung und die Früherfassung des beginnenden Stotterns. Forum Logopädie, 2(29), 6–12.

Kohler, J. (2015a). Die Früherfassung des beginnenden Stotterns. Frühförderung interdisziplinär, 1(34), 32–45. doi:10.2378/fi2015.art03d

Kohler, J. (2015b). Empirische Überprüfung des Redeflusskompasses. Idstein, Germany: Schulz-Kirchner Verlag. 


Financial support


  • Kohler, J., & Braun, W. G.
    Einsatz von RedeflussKompass 3.0 zur Früherkennung und StotterKompass zur Ersterfassung/Erstberatung.
    Forschung Sprache,
  • Braun, W. G., & Kohler, J.
    Digitale Transformation in der Stottererkennung.
    ICT in der Heilpädagogik,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Braun, W. G., & Kohler, J.
    Praxisnah und wissenschaftlich fundiert dem beginnenden Stottern begegnen.
    Logopädieschweiz ,
  • Kohler, J.
    Borderline Stottern - was ist das?
    Stottern - Wenn die Gedanken fliessen und die Sprache stockt,
    Rohrschach, Schweiz.