Sentence Repetition Test for Sign Language in German-speaking Switzerland (DSGS-SRT)
Category Project
Ausgangslage und Ziele
About 7,500 deaf people resident in Switzerland use a sign language. Approx. 5,500 of them live in the German-speaking cantons and use DSGS (German-Swiss Sign Language). Very few of these acquire DSGS as their first language, given that about 90-95% of children with impaired hearing are born into hearing families. Language acquisition for both spoken and signed language follows highly diverse patterns within this group. It is very important, therefore, that specialists can draw on a tool for testing children’s development in both their spoken and their sign language. There is currently no test for DSGS.
The objective of the research project «Sentence Repetition Test for German-Swiss Sign Language» is to devise a tool for testing the DSGS skills of children with hearing disabilities in relation to various factors such as phonology, morphology and syntax. The research also analyses errors made by the participants in order to derive a better understanding of DSGS skills beyond dependence on age and language history.
Project Management
Project number
Project Team
- Christa Notter
- Mireille Audeoud
Financial support
- (2016).Exploring signed language assessment tools in Europe and North America.In M. Marschark, V. Lampropoulou, & E. K. Skordilis (Hrsg.),Diversity in deaf education(1st edition, S. 171–218).Oxford University Press.
- (2016).Gebärdensprachentwicklung "sichtbar" machen.Visuell plus,16(29),22–23.