Trainees Facing Transitions in Low-Threshold Training (LUNA: Main Study)

Category Project

Ausgangslage und Ziele

Basic vocational training (shortened apprenticeship) leading to the Federal VET Certificate (EBA) was introduced about 10 years ago (2004); it was hoped that standardized training content would enhance labour market integration and ease of access to more advanced training. The INSOS association launched its Practical Training (PrA) for young people unable to take this hurdle. Experience to date with these two training formats has been positive, as various evaluations have shown. However, there are some indications that the termination rates for training contracts (PrA) are higher than for the three- to four-year courses leading to the Federal VET Diploma (EFZ).  

A pre-study conducted by the University of Applied Sciences of Special Needs Education confirmed that little is known especially about the consequences of training contracts and that acceptance in some sectors and integration after completion of training  should be further promoted.

Project Management

Claudia Hofmann Title Dr. phil.


Senior Researcher

Kurt Häfeli Title Prof. Dr. em.


Ehemaliger Leiter Forschung und Entwicklung


  • Duration
  • Project number

Project Team


This ongoing study is therefore examining the quality of the training situation and its consequences for vocational integration. The research questions are the following:

  1. Current fit between trainees and available training: How satisfied are trainees with their training? How do they experience their situation at the vocational school and at the company?
  2. Termination of training contracts due to poor fit: What are the reasons for, and consequences of, termination of training contracts, and how can the persons affected be supported?
  3. Vocational perspectives and transition into the labour market: How well are the graduates integrated vocationally, and how is the ease of access to more advanced training being utilized?  

Methodical approach

Planned is a quantitative longitudinal study and an in-depth qualitative study. We will survey trainees in four sectors (construction, restaurant and catering, carpentry and housekeeping) in the German-speaking and French-speaking parts of Switzerland. 

  • For the quantitative study, we will survey approximately 600 trainees (EBA and PrA) at three time points: At the start and at the end of training (with a focus on the training situation and the course of the training) and one year after completion of training (with a focus on entry into the labour market and current work situation).
  • For the qualitative study we will focus on the trainees’ subjective evaluation of the situation. For the interviews we will select trainees that switch training formats during training or terminate their training contract. In selected cases, we will also interview people in the trainee’s environment.


«p> Initial results on the transition to training and on the current training situation are available from the written survey conducted at the start of training (Hofmann & Müller, 2017; Hofmann et al., 2017): Trainees who complete Basic Vocational Training (shortened apprenticeship) leading to the Federal VET Certificate (EBA) or Practical Training (PrA) are a very heterogeneous group in terms of age, background, parents’ level of education, and compulsory schooling. For choosing an occupation, the trainees found mainly tryouts in different companies helpful. Approximately 80% of the EBA trainees did a tryout in their own occupational field, whereas more PrA trainees also did tryouts in other occupational fields. A large part of the trainees felt that they were well supported in this phase, but for many, the transition into training does not seem to have been smooth: Only about 30% were able to enter into training directly after compulsory schooling. Here, the percentage of trainees in EBA (26.8%) was much lower than the percentage of trainees in PrA (42.1%).

The trainees rated the current situation at the start of training as mainly positive: Most of the trainees—about 80%—were »rather” to »extremely” satisfied with their training situation and reported that the chosen training matched their own interests and abilities »quite well” to »exactly” and was a good solution all in all. Here, trainees who had found tryouts to be important for choosing an occupation reported a better match and also greater satisfaction. In contrast, however, more frequent tryouts were found to be negatively associated with trainee’s perception of the match between self and occupation. It appears that the quantity of tryouts tends to indicate difficulties in the process of choosing an occupation.

Based on the data collected, we are currently testing further interesting associations, such as how background and school biography affect entry into training or satisfaction with training. In addition, the further course of the training will be captured and analysed in the second written survey (May/June 2018) at the end of training.


  • Hofmann, C., Müller, X., Krauss, A., & Häfeli, K.
    Transition From Low-Threshold Vocational Education and Training to Work in Switzerland: Factors Influencing Objective and Subjective Career Success.
    International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET),
  • Hofmann, C., Häfeli, K., & Müller, X.
    Auf Umwegen zum Ziel? Ausbildungseinstieg bei Jugendlichen in einer zweijährigen beruflichen Grundbildung mit Berufsattest in der Schweiz.
    BWP-Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis,
  • Hofmann, C.
    Lernende in Übergangssituationen im niederschwelligen Ausbildungsbereich: Einschätzungen zur Berufswahl und ersten Erfahrungen im Lehrbetrieb und in der Schule.
    In L. Christian, F. Helga, L. Bettina, & S. Dirk (Hrsg.),
    Inklusive Berufsorientierung und berufliche Bildung - aktuelle Entwicklungen im deutschsprachigen Raum
    Beltz Juventa.
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    Verzögerter Einstieg, aber Zufriedenheit mit zweijähriger Ausbildung. Befragung von Lernenden bei Ausbildungsbeginn zum Übergang in die Ausbildung und zu ersten Erfahrungen in Schule und Lehrbetrieb.
    Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik,
  • Hofmann, C., & Müller, X.
    Transition from school to vocational education for young people with special educational needs: Apprenticeship situation, support and well-being.
    In J. Marcionetti, L. Castelli, & A. Crescentini (Hrsg.),
    Well-being in education systems. Conference Abstract Book. Locarno 2017,
  • Hofmann, C., Müller, X., Häfeli, K., Duc, B., Lamamra, N., & Bosset, I.
    Lernende in Übergangssituationen im niederschwelligen Ausbildungsbereich (LUNA).: Zwischenbericht zur Erstbefragung der Lernenden bei Ausbildungsbeginn.
    Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik.
  • Hofmann, C., Häfeli, K., Duc, B., & Lamamra, N.
    Situation der Lernenden und Bewältigung von Übergängen im niederschwelligen Ausbildungsbereich. Qualitative Vorstudie.
    Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik und IFFP.
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    Über die Problematik der Berufsbildung im niederschwelligen Bereich- Zentrale Ergebnisse und weiterführende Gedanken aus der Evaluation der Praktischen Ausbildung (PrA) INSOS.
    Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik,
  • Hofmann, C., Müller, X., Krauss, A., & Häfeli, K.
    Beruflich erfolgreich unterwegs dank niederschwelligen zweijährigen Ausbildungsgefässen? Endergebnisse aus einer längsschnittlichen Befragung von Lernenden.
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    Heilpädagogische Forschung: Bildung für Alle (Forschungsbericht 2021)
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  • Hofmann, C., Müller, X., Krauss, A., & Häfeli, K.
    Transition from low-threshold vocational education and training to work in Switzerland: Factors influencing objective and subjective career success.
    International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training,
  • Hofmann, C.
    Lernende in Übergangssituationen im niederschwelligen Ausbildungsbereich: Einschätzungen zur Berufswahl und ersten Erfahrungen im Lehrbetrieb und in der Schule.
    In C. Lindmeiner, H. Fasching, B. Lindmeier, & D. Sponholz (Hrsg.),
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  • Hofmann, C., & Schellenberg, C.
    Der Übergang Schule - (Aus-)Bildung - Beschäftigung in der Schweiz: Ein Überblick mit Fokus auf die berufliche Ausbildung.
    In C. Lindmeier, H. Fasching, B. Lindmeier, & D. Sponholz (Hrsg.),
    Sonderpädagogische Förderung heute: Inklusive Berufsorientierung und berufliche Bildung – aktuelle Entwicklungen im deutschsprachigen Raum
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  • Hofmann, C., & Schellenberg, C.
    School to work transition in Switzerland: Results from two studies about influencing factors on transition and early career success
    Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future,
    Hamburg, Deutschland.
  • Hofmann, C., & Sempert, W.
    Umgang mit Heterogenität in Berufsfachschulen und Ausbildungsinstitutionen
    Bildungsprozesse in heterogenen Kontexten,
    Basel, Schweiz.
  • Hofmann, C., & Bosset, I.
    Transition from school to work in the context of the Federal VET Certificate: Influencing factors and subjective reasons of premature interruption of training
    The end of VET as we know it? Skills development in times of technical and social change,
    Zollikofen, Schweiz.
  • Häfeli, K., & Hofmann, C.
    Chancen und Risiken einer EBA- und PrA-Ausbildung – Herausforderungen für die Zukunft.
    VAS-Fachtagung: Arbeitsagogik in der Sonderschule,
    Elgg, Schweiz.
  • Hofmann, C.
    Heterogenität bei PrA- und EBA-Lernenden – Eine Herausforderung für die Berufsbildung: Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt «LUNA».
    Solothurn, Schweiz.
  • Hofmann, C., Krauss, A., Müller, X., & Häfeli, K.
    Erfolgreicher Berufsabschluss und dann? Ergebnisse aus der Längsschnittstudie LUNA.
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Hofmann, C., & Schellenberg, C.
    Jugendliche zwischen Traumberuf und Realität: Erfolgreiche neue Ansätze in der Berufswahlvorbereitung.
    HFH-Tagung: Jugendliche zwischen Traumberuf und Realität: Erfolgreiche neue Ansätze in der Berufswahlvorbereitung,
    Zürich, Schweiz.