Trainees Facing Transitions in Low-Threshold Training (LUNA: Preliminary Study)

Category Project

Ausgangslage und Ziele

Basic vocational training leading to the Federal VET Certificate (EBA) was introduced about ten years ago (2004), combined with the hope that standardised training content would enhance labour market integration and ease of access to more advanced training. The association INSOS launched its Practical Training (PrA) for young people unable to take this hurdle. Experience to date with these two training formats has been positive, as various evaluations have shown. There are some indications, however, that the termination rates for training contracts are higher than for the three- to four-year courses leading to the Federal VET Diploma. There is a lack of reliable data. Moreover, not much is known about the ease of flow between low-threshold training formats. The aim of this study is to analyse the experience and knowledge of experts and lay the foundations for broader research into the situation.

Project Management

Claudia Hofmann Title Dr. phil.


Senior Researcher

Kurt Häfeli Title Prof. Dr. em.


Ehemaliger Leiter Forschung und Entwicklung

Barbara Duc Title Dr.


Eidgenössisches Hochschulinstitut für Berufsbildung (IFFP-EHB)

Nadia Lamamra Title Prof. Dr.


Eidgenössisches Hochschulinstitut für Berufsbildung (IFFP-EHB)


  • Duration
  • Project number


  • What do we already know about termination rates for training contracts in different sectors and cantons?
  • What are the reasons for terminating EBA und PrA training contracts?
  • What support is offered to young people in these situations and how effective is it considered to be?
  • What are the consequences of terminating a training contract? How easy is it to move from one training format to the other and what are the mechanisms?

Methodical approach

The study is based on three rounds of about 25 interviews with a range of experts. The first phase is to interview key figures in research and practice, e.g. from the Swiss Conference of Vocational Training Authorities (SBBK) and the association of disability institutions (INSOS). The second phase is to interview those responsible for vocational training in the cantons and sectors. The third phase of interviews will be with people who work directly with the trainees concerned in VET schools and training institutions.

The interviews will be analysed and fed into a synthesis report.


The aim of this qualitative preliminary study is to consolidate existing knowledge about the situation by interviewing specialists at various levels. We hope that this will indicate the reasons for the termination of trainee contracts, the consequences this has for the low-threshold community, and ways that trainees might be supported in transition situations (e.g. after terminating a contract). Moreover, the preliminary study will test the feasibility of proposed broader research and recommend, for example, which sectors and cantons should be included and how to access target groups.


  • Hofmann, C., Müller, X., Krauss, A., & Häfeli, K.
    Beruflich erfolgreich unterwegs dank niederschwelligen zweijährigen Ausbildungsgefässen? Endergebnisse aus einer längsschnittlichen Befragung von Lernenden.
    In P. Klaver (Hrsg.),
    Heilpädagogische Forschung: Bildung für Alle (Forschungsbericht 2021)
    Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik (HfH).