Vocational Integration through Primary Labour Market Training

Category Project

Ausgangslage und Ziele

«p>Integrating persons with disabilities into the primary labour market has been a social policy objective for many years. A number of training institutions have acquired valuable experience with »supported education” in the primary labour market. This experience has not yet been systematically evaluated. Preliminary insights were derived from a pilot study built, by way of example, around the training concept applied by the foundation Externer Link: La Capriola.

The current, second phase of the project has been widened to include other providers of continuing education and training in German-speaking Switzerland, in particular to facilitate a broader evaluation of different training models and of the success factors that contribute to sustainable vocational integration.

Project Management

Claudia Hofmann Title Dr. phil.


Senior Researcher

Kurt Häfeli Title Prof. Dr. em.


Ehemaliger Leiter Forschung und Entwicklung


  • Duration
  • Project number


  • In retrospect, how satisfied are the young employees with their training?
  • What difficulties do they confront and how do they tackle them?
  • What additional career prospects does this training open up?
  • How satisfied are the young employees with their jobs, how well do they perform and how do they manage the demands?
  • What factors contribute overall to a positive career pathway, and what factors exert a negative impact?

Methodical approach

«p>The study combines quantitative and qualitative methods:

  • interviews with managers and staff at the training institutions (3-5 further providers in addition to »La Capriola”),
  • telephone survey of former trainees (pilot study: 35 subjects; extended study: 50-60 subjects),
  • telephone survey of companies providing employment (pilot study: 9; extended study: approx. 20).


Satisfaction with the training is high among both trainees and employers. The training has enabled many participants to achieve integration into the primary labour market, often without additional support through disability insurance. Careful screening before training begins has proved valuable. Decisive factors during the training period are the clear distinction that is drawn between tasks allocated to the residential group and those allocated to the training venue, and the high professional standards of those responsible for training. Both the employers and the new labour market entrants appreciate the follow-up supervision after training is completed. For trainees, positive impacts are reinforced by a particular interest in the occupation, social skills, emotional stability and family support. Important workplace factors are understanding on the part of line managers and fellow workers and the clear definition of tasks in well-established procedures.

