BerAb – Career paths of HfH graduates and the importance of task-area qualifications in fields of work in special education
Category Project
Ausgangslage und Ziele
As special education-therapy professionals are highly sought after, information on the career paths of our graduates is of great interest. The existing shortage of special education-therapy specialists is seen by the public, for instance, as caused by professionals moving into other areas of work or by professionals working only very part-time. Th aim of this study was to respond to these assumptions with empirical findings.
In addition to career paths, we were particularly interested in how important certain fields of work are for University of Applied Sciences in Special Needs Education (HfH) graduates in school-level special education, and how the graduates assess their own qualifications for these fields of work.
Project number
Project Team
- Martina Schweizer
- Simona Altmeyer
- Berufslaufbahnen von HfH-Absolvierenden der Schulischen Heilpädagogik (BerAb).HfH-Forschungskolloquium,Zürich, Schweiz.
- (2020).Berufslaufbahnen von ehemaligen Heilpädagogik-Studierenden (BerAb).In M. Grosche, J. Decristan, K. Urton, N. Jansen, G. Bruns, & B. Ehl (Hrsg.),Sonderpädagogik und Bildungsforschung - Fremde Schwestern?(S. 156–163).Klinkhardt.
- (2022).Ausbildung und berufliche Situation von Schulischen Heilpädagoginnen und Heilpädagogen im Wandel: Befragung von Absolvierenden der Schulischen Heilpädagogik.Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik,73(1),28–36.