WiRk: The efficacy of integrated schooling
Category Project
Ausgangslage und Ziele
The »WiRk” study on the efficacy of integrated schooling asks whether and to what extent education and integration are achieved for all pupils, both with and without »special educational needs”. The behavioural and educational development of these schoolchildren is observed for a year. From a special education perspective, the most interesting aspects to be explored in integrated classes at regular schools are: links between the emotional, social and academic status of the children, the degree of selection that occurs (integration remit) and the children’s behavioural and learning development (qualification remit). The objective is to obtain a better understanding of the complex dynamics of teaching in integrated classes at regular schools by analysing the impact of significant factors in relation to behavioural and learning development and the perceived wellbeing of schoolchildren. With the outcomes in mind, selected support teams are then interviewed about »best/worst practice” in integrated classes.
Project number
- (2020).Verhalten und Befinden von Schulkindern: Diskrepanz von Kinder- und Lehrendensicht. Eine Längsschnittstudie in integrativen Regelklassen.Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht,67,1–16.
- (2018).Pilotstudie WiRk - Wirksamkeit sonderpädagogischer Massnahmen in integrativen Regelklassen. Effekte sonderpädagogischer Massnahmen auf schulische Leistungen, Verhaltenskompetenzen und subjektives Befinden.Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik.
- (2016).Studie zur Wirksamkeit integrativer Regelklassen (WiRk).Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik,22(2),35–41.